2 to 3 years old

This age group is one where your child will become increasingly more independent and vocal. You will notice them eagerly anticipating their day in Wee Care and they will talk more about their friends and their day.

Wee Care about your child’s developmental needs...

Our rooms are designed to facilitate your child’s unique developmental needs. In this age group children reach many milestones and their development is rapid. We therefore offer a well-rounded programme with a wide variety of play areas to stimulate your child’s senses and challenge their capabilities. In our bright, inviting and stimulating rooms your child’s language and vocabulary will develop, they will start to play with other children and make lots of new friends. Your child’s concentration will increase and they will spend longer at completing tasks. The staff will sing songs and read stories to your child, teaching through repetition.

Wee Care about your child’s outside playtime...

We pride ourselves on our outdoor areas which are all well-equipped, safe, developmentally challenging and most importantly fun areas. The children go outside to play regularly throughout the day. At Wee Care we believe outside play is an important part of the daily routine as it is essential to healthy physical and emotional development.

Wee Care about your child’s toilet training...

Toilet training is a big milestone that your child may reach at this age. We allow the child to take the lead with this process and watch out for signs and language to show us that they are ready for this stage. We will keep parents informed of their child’s progress at all times. The staff have lots of experience in this area and are on hand to guide you through it.